How to make a zombie shooter game
Welcome to this tutorial where we’ll be building a simple “Zombie Shooter” game using Pygame! This game involves a player...

Displaying Remote Application Windows Locally Using SSH and X11 Forwarding
In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the steps to display graphical applications running on a remote server on your...

Let's build a copter game
Introduction Games have always been a fascinating way to blend creativity with programming skills. In this tutorial, we will build...

Let's build a simple "Battleship" game
In this tutorial, we’ll create a simple Battleship game that you can play via the command line. Battleship is a...

Let's build a simple "word game inspired by Scrabble"
In this tutorial, we’ll create a simple word game inspired by Scrabble that you can play via the command line....

Building a Simple Chess Game in Python
In this tutorial, we’ll create a basic chess game using Python. The game will have a simple text-based interface where...

Let's build a simple "Rock, Paper, Scissors" game
Let’s create a simple “Rock, Paper, Scissors” game where the user can play against the computer. This is a classic...

What is a Circular or Ring mapper function
The circular_mapper function is a utility designed to generate a list of numbers based on a given index (idx) within...

How to make a simple guess a number game
Let’s create a simple game where the user and the computer can play “Guess the Number”. The computer will randomly...

Building a Tic-Tac-Toe Game in Python!
Building a Tic-Tac-Toe Game in Python In this tutorial, we’ll create a simple Tic-Tac-Toe game in Python where a user...

Python tips and tricks you must know!
Python programming skills have seen a surge in demand lately. To assist you in honing your Python coding prowess, we’ve...

Creating a Guess Country from Flag Game in Python (Part 7)
In this tutorial, we’ll create a graphical user interface (GUI) application using PySide6, a Python binding for the Qt toolkit....

Exploring Output Widgets in PySide6 (Part 6)
In this tutorial, we’ll delve into the usage of various output widgets in PySide6 to display information to users in...

Building a Calculator Application with PySide6 (Part 2)
Welcome back to our PySide6 tutorial series! In the previous tutorial, we explored the fundamentals of PySide6 by creating a...

Exploring Input Widgets in PySide6 (Part 5)
In this tutorial, we’ll dive into the usage of various input widgets in PySide6 to allow users to interact with...

Exploring Tab Widgets in PySide6 (Part 4)
In this tutorial, we’ll delve into the usage of tab widgets in PySide6 to create a multi-tabbed graphical user interface...

Building Your First Simple GUI (Part 1)
Welcome to the world of PySide6! PySide6 is a powerful Python module that allows you to create cross-platform graphical user...

Interacting with Output Widgets Using Input Widgets in PySide6 (Part 7)
In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to interact with output widgets by providing input through input widgets in PySide6. We’ll...

How to make PySide6 based GUI
The Importance of PySide6: Transitioning from PyQt5 In the realm of Python GUI (Graphical User Interface) development, libraries play a...

Python Application Frameworks That Boost Your Job Prospects
Python Application Frameworks That Boost Your Job Prospects Python is a versatile programming language, and its popularity continues to grow....

Maximizing Solar Panel Efficiency at Home with Python
A Money-Saving Approach In today’s world, where sustainable living and cost-effective energy solutions are gaining paramount importance, harnessing the power...

How to earn money online using python programming
The Best Ways to Earn Online with Python Programming Python programming is not only a versatile language but also a...

Fourty important tips to write better python code
Tips to write better python codes Use an IDE like PyCharm or VSCode for better code editing and debugging. Use...

What is SVD
Singular Value Decomposition Hello friends! The Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) is a matrix factorization technique that decomposes a given matrix...

How to make a chatGPT like application
Hello friends! Yes, it is possible to make a chat GPT like application by compressing the GPT models to reduce...

Interview questions for python programming jobs
Hello friends! Here are some tips and tricks to prepare for the Python programming related jobs. What is Python? How...

Python coding tips for faster and better software development
Hello friends! Here are some tips and tricks to write faster code in Python: Use built-in functions and libraries: Python...

Good python coding examples for the software development
Hello friends! Below are some examples that you can use to write better codes. 1. Use meaningful variable names: #...

What are NP problems
Hello friends! Lets first talk about NP problems and then get to the coding part. NP problems NP (Nondeterministic Polynomial...

How to sort a list using Quicksort algorithms
Hello friends! There are several variations of the quicksort algorithm, each with its own approach to choosing the pivot element,...

How to make an image to text classifier application
Hi friends following is the code for Part 19 of the PyQt5 learning series. For details visit the pyshine channel...

How to extract text from image in Python
Hi friends following is the code for Part 18 of the PyQt5 learning series. main.ui Copy code to clipboard <?xml...

How to stream two videos in PyQt5 GUI
Hi friends following is the code for Part 17 of the PyQt5 learning series. main.ui Copy code to clipboard #...

A simple autofocus application in Python
Hello friends! This tutorial is about using raspberry pi to control the focus level of a webcam. Now the question...

Learn Python Tips and Tricks Part 03
Hello friends! Installing any version of Python on any platform is easy. But this easy task becomes cumbersome when you...

Learn Python Tips and Tricks Part 02
Hi friends! In this part we will learn how to get a list of files in a directory. How to...

Learn Python Tips and Tricks Part 01
Hi friends! We are starting free Python learning course. If you are new to Python and want to quickly grasp...

UDP Single server to multiple clients
Hi friends! Here is the UDP based single server and multiple clients. For more details visit UDP basic server client...

Video streaming and Car Control in Python
Hi friends! Today’s tutorial is Part 04 of the Raspberry Pi (RPi) learning series. Raspberry Pi zero W has limited...

How to send video over UDP socket and save it as MP4 at client side
Hello friends! Previously, we have seen how TCP and UDP sockets work. This tutorial is about sending the video frames...

FAQs about PyQt5
Hi friends, we are going to start a Q and A about PyQt5 here. This page will be dedicated to...

Transfer video over sockets from multiple clients and save at server side wit...
Hello friends, today we will again do socket programming for multiple clients and a single server. Just like before, it’s...
How to install TVM on MAC OS
Hello, today’s tutorial is about installing Apache TVM on your Mac OS. Some steps are required for beginners to install...

PytQt5 terminal console
Hi friends, this quick intro is about the Terminal console using PyQt5. The code is self explanatory. We will use...

PytQt5 Video and Audio GUI with start and stop buttons
Hello friends, this tutorial is about displaying mp4 video and its audio plot on the same GUI. This is part...

Test your audible frequency range in Python
Hi friends, this tutorial is about generating audio tones of various frequencies and saving the FFT plots for each frequency....

How to split a pdf into pages in Python
Hi friends, let’s say in a folder you have a pdf file which has 6 pages, and now you want...

How to parse XML file and save the data as CSV
Hi there, let’s say we have an XML file like this: songs.xml Copy code to clipboard <?xml version="1.0"?> <genre catalogue="Pop">...

Video and Text chat in Python
Hi friends, today’s tutorial is rather more interesting than the previous ones. We will use a UDP socket connection for...

How to perform online video processing from the client's camera
Hi friends, hope you are doing great! Today’s tutorial is about using Flask, Socket.io and JavaScript, to obtain frames from...

How to stream multiple videos on an HTML webpage
Hi friends, hope your are doing great. This tutorial is about streaming multiple videos on a webpage. As an example,...

How to stream video and bidirectional text in socket programming
Hi friends! Today’s tutorial is about socket programming for the server and client. The server will send video over the...

How to easily stream picamera video over wifi with Raspberry Pi
Hi friends! Today’s tutorial is Part 03 of the Raspberry Pi learning series. You will learn how to transmit video...

How to configure Raspberry Pi in Ad hoc wifi mode
Hi friends! Today’s tutorial is Part 02 of the Raspberry Pi (RPi) learning series. In this, you will learn how...

How to easily stream webcam video over wifi with Raspberry Pi
Hi friends! Today’s tutorial is Part 01 of the Raspberry Pi learning series. You will learn how to transmit video...

How to make a simple webcam video recorder GUI in PyQt5
Hi friends! This GUI is dead simple because it will only capture the frames of video from the webcam to...

How to open and show the SQL database file in a PyQt5 GUI
Hi friends! Hope you are doing great. Today’s tutorial is simple but interesting because we will see how to use...

Interactive Matplotlib GUI with data cursors
Hello friends! I hope you are doing great with the PyQt5 learning series. Thank you for your valuable comments and...

Basics about SQL database in Python
Hi friends! SQLite is basically a C library which gives us a lightweight disk-based database. It does not require a...

How to make an image to text GUI in Python
Hello friends, first of all thanks for your appreciations, comments and suggestions. One interesting suggestion was recently asked as the...

How to easily install OpenCv in Raspberry Pi boards
Hi! friends, Raspberry Pi boards come with a lot of powerful features like an 8MP camera with video streaming capabilities....

How to send audio data using socket programming in Python
Hi! Let’s say we have an audio file (.wav), and we want to send it to the client so that...

How to send audio and video using socket programming in Python
Hello friends! Today’s tutorial is about sending audio and video streams from a server to a client. These streams will...

How to send video using UDP socket in Python
Hello friends! Previously, we have seen how TCP sockets work. In this tutorial we will use UDP sockets to send...

How to make a Matplotlib and PyQt5 based GUI to plot a CSV file data
Hello friends! This is part 15 of the PyQt5 GUI learning series. Recently, some friends have given interesting suggestions related...

Play Rock Paper Scissors Game using PyQt5 GUI
Hi and welcome! It is part 14 of the PyQt5 learning series. Today we will design a GUI to play...

Lipstick color picker GUI in PyQt5
Hi and welcome! This is part 13 of the PyQt5 learning series. Previously, in Part 9 we have developed a...

How to send audio from a client computer to a server over the wifi
Hi friends! In a previous tutorial we used opencv to obtain video frames of webcam and send them over wifi...

How to visualize Earthquakes in Python
Hi friends! today we will use two libraries in Python 3 to plot the balloons to represent the earthquakes. We...

How to publish-subscribe video using socket programming in Python
Hi friends HAPPY NEW YEAR 2021! In a previous tutorial we used opencv to obtain video frames of webcam and...

How to send and receive live audio using socket programming in Python
Hi friends! In a previous tutorial we used opencv to obtain video frames of webcam and send them over wifi...

How to get audio frames from the microphone device
Hi friends! Install pyshine version 0.0.6 in Windows OS as: pip3 install pyshine==0.0.6 audio.py import pyshine as ps audio,context =...

How to deploy Python video processing application on the server
Hello friends! Today we will design a web application using Flask framework. We will use opencv to process the video...

Working with multiple threads in PyQt5
Hello friends! Today we will design a relatively simple GUI. It contains six buttons, three for starting three threads and...

PytQt5 Live Audio GUI with start and stop buttons
Hello friends, this tutorial is an update of the previous tutorial No. 10. Like before, we will get data from...

PytQt5 GUI design to plot Live audio data from Microphone
Hello friends, today we will design a simple but beneficial GUI in PyQt5. We will plot live audio data that...

PytQt5 GUI design and Video processing with OpenCV
Hello friends, today we will design a very basic GUI that will use the Model-View-Controller approach for the video processing...

OpenCV and Real time streaming protocol (RTSP)
Hello friends, this tutorial is about RTSP stream basics, how to process it, and obtain frames in Python. In general,...

A simple cache-server to broadcast video to clients
Hello friends, today we will write three codes as described in the above video: drone.py cache-server.py client.py You can test...

How to make an interactive PSO algorithm in Python
Hello friends, today we will use Matplotlib in Python to make an interactive PSO environment, where you can change the...

Transfer video over sockets from multiple clients
Hello friends, today we will do socket programming for multiple clients and a single server. It’s about creating multiple client...

Add text with transparent rectangle on an image
Hello friends, today we will put some text with a background box behind it. It looks awesome and conveys to...

How to make an image to text converter GUI in Python
Hello friends, here is the code for the new idea of making pytesseract based GUI for all languages in PyQt5....

How to make OpenCV and PyQt5 based GUI for image processing applications
Hello friends, The tutorial is part 05 of PyQt5 GUI learning series. This video contains instructions to make a basic...

How to make a Matplotlib and PyQt5 based GUI
Hello friends, here is the code for the simple matplotlib GUI. Save it as main.py and run it to load...

How to make a Matplotlib and PyQt5 based GUI with drag and drop the CSV file
Hello friends, here is the code for the drag and drop enabled matplotlib GUI in PyQt5. Save the first main.py...

How to make a calculator GUI in python with PyQt5
Hi friends! this tutorial is about making a calculator application in PyQt5. The calc.ui file contains information about the gui...

Pandas dataframe with hexadecimal and ascii values
Source code and sample csv data file are available:download Copy code to clipboard import pandas as pd import struct data...

Free Audio Video Screen Recorder for Windows 10
For installation to windows 10, please download these three parts in a folder and then extract (using winRAR) the PyShine...

Socket programming to send and receive webcam video
Depending on the operating system, you can easily find the IP address of your machine as follows: MAC OS users...

Faster and accurate object tracking in Python
# Welcome to PyShine # First we require cv2 versionn # Lets make sure we have the right version...

How to track Mario in Python
Copy code to clipboard # Welcome to PyShine # First we require cv2 versionn # Lets make sure we...

What are yield and return statements in Python
yield keyword means: Provide output and continue return keyword means: Provide output and stop Copy code to clipboard import time...

How to automatically arrange the desktop icons
Hello there! Welcome to the PyShine Artificial Intelligence Learning series. I hope you guys will be staying at home and...

How to plot realtime frame rate of a web camera
Hello there! Welcome to the PyShine Artificial Intelligence Learning series. Today we will learn, how to detect a Human face...

How to make screen recorder in PyQt5
Alright friends welcome back, lets make a very flexible screen recorder today. The target platform for this GUI is Windows...

How to make a real time voice plot
Alright friends welcome back, lets plot some sound on the matplotlib. Copy code to clipboard # Quickly import essential libraries...

How to make a piano in Python
Hi there! Today we will make a basic piano application. Below is the complete tutorial video which consists of four...

Making Python GUI for sine and cosine
Hi there! PyShine GUI series Lab-1 Lets import the required libraries Copy code to clipboard import sys from PyQt5 import...

How to read and write in xlsx file using python
Welcome to Pyshine I wish and hope that you guyz are fine and enjoying good health Lets import the required...

Playing piano with Python
Hi there! Hello everyone Welcome to Pyshine and today we will play a poem By using the wav files for...

Lab4 Training regression model and Epochs
A quick and easy multilayer Regression model Hi there! today we will build a multilayer model. Lets import the necessary...

Lab3 Train and Test Keras Model
A quick and easy multilayer model for Keras Hi there! today we will build a multilayer model that should be...

Lab2 How to make a basic multilayer Keras model
A quick and easy multilayer model for Keras Hi there! today we will build a multilayer model that should be...

Lab1 Keras Basic Model
Today i am going to start a tutorial series about Keras library. Lets visit website of this Deep learning library...

Basic Coding in TensorFlow
Before we proceed the basic coding, please note that according to the tensorflow 1.0.0 release notes, tf.mul, tf.sub and tf.neg...
With Speech, control the MS Power Point Presentation
Hello friends, today i am going to present a very simple AI application to voice control the Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation....

TensorFlow Basics
Hi everybody, today i will write about a little introduction to Tensorflow API. Tensorflow is a standard open source library...
Installing Pytorch in Windows (GPU version)
Hi there, today we are installing PyTorch in Windows. It is assumed that you already have installed NVidia GPU card....
Installing Pytorch in Windows (CPU version)
Hello there, today i am going to show you an easy way to install PyTorch in Windows 10 or Windows...
Importance of One Hot Encoding
What is ONE HOT ENCODING? An efficient method of encoding the classes to train a network. One Hot Encoding [1,0,0]:...